
Do you use AI in your everyday life?

I often use Siri in my life.Now everyone often uses smartphones whether to read the news or pass time. When I want to go to places I don’t know much about, I will ask Siri how to go and Siri will tell me the direction and time. Let me reach my destination more efficiently.


Is technology harmful to me?

I think technology is harmful to me. Because now is the internet age, everyone uses technology frequently. Even a small thing will use technology. We use technology for a long time. This may hurt our eyes. We should learn how to use technology effectively. Use technology in the right way can improve our life.



1. accessible: able to be reached or easily got

    ex: The resort is easily accessible by road, rail, and air.

2. passively: in a way that allows other people to be in control

    ex: He tends to wait passively for his boss to tell him what to do.

3. manipulate: to control something or someone to your advantage

    ex: The opposition leader accused government ministers of manipulating the statistics to suit themselves.

4. recap: to repeat the main points of an explanation or a description

    ex: Finally, the teacher recapped the main points of the lesson.

5. immersive: seeming to surround the audience, player, etc. so that they feel completely involved in something

    ex: The new game is more immersive. 

